Chatbot (Beta Phase) 💬

Enhancing Your Booking Experience with Our Advanced Chatbot Feature

We are excited to introduce our innovative Chatbot feature, designed to revolutionize how your customers interact with your booking system! It represents a comprehensive solution that actively engages customers, improves operational efficiency, and fosters business growth.

By integrating our Chatbot, you're taking a crucial step towards optimizing your business operations and elevating your customer service standards. Embrace the future of efficient and innovative scheduling with Trafft's Chatbot.

Chatbot is a custom feature and it counts to the number of your Custom Features & Integrations. The system is presently in Beta testing and is designed to operate based on a credit system applicable to all plans.

During the Beta testing phase, all users will receive 100 free credits and can acquire more by contacting our support team while the beta period is active.

How to enable Chatbot

As for all custom features, you would need to open General Settings under Features & Integrations navigate to the Features tab. You will see the Chatbot feature that you need to Activate in order to use it.



Within this settings, you can manage the following options:

Enable Chatbot on the Booking Website: Enabling this option will integrate the Chatbot into your Trafft booking form, making it accessible to your clients for scheduling appointments through the Chatbot interface.

ChatBot Name: In this section, you have the option to select a name for your Chatbot, such as Bookie Bot, Appoint Mate, Meet Me Bot, or any name of your choice. The chosen name will be displayed when initiating a chat.

Accent Color: Here you have the option to select a color for the text and buttons used in the chat conversation.

Theme: You have the option to select either a light or dark theme for the background of your chat interface.

Chatbot Avatar: Another available customization feature allows you to select an avatar for your Chatbot. This could be a photo of a person, your company logo, a gif, or any other image you prefer.

Maximum dates and time slots to show: This setting will dictate the number of timeslot options that will be offered to your customers during the chat.

Show Dates/Timeslots/Services as: Here you can choose the appearance of the proposed timeslots and services.


If you're utilizing an iframe or wish to integrate the Trafft Chatbot on your personal website instead of displaying it on your booking page, you can copy and paste the following code just before the tag on your webpage.


In this section you can customize sentences Chatbot will use in conversation.

Welcome Message: This message will be displayed instantly when a chat is opened. Unless you change it, our default example message will be shown by default.

Unclear Message: This message will be displayed when Chatbot does not understand or cannot answer request.

Booking Approved Success Message: This message will be displayed to your customer when they successfully book an appointment. You can personalize it using placeholders or include any other message you want them to see.


At present, the Chatbot feature does not support:

  • Group booking
  • Adding service extras
  • Recurring appointments
  • Online Payments

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